The new update telegram has released on iOS and Android, followed by some new features on the platform. One of these is the Silent Message feature, which allows you to send messages to someone without sound notification. This means that your message will reach the receiver, but it won't have any sound. To select this option, you need to press the Send button and hold it. In this case, the receiver will not be disinfected with your message when you do a meeting, class, or any urgent work. They'll receive a notification of your message on the screen, but it won't sound.
If you talk about the other feature, this is video thumbs and timestamp. When you scrub a video, you see a pause so you can know where you are in the video. In addition, if you add a timestamp to a message with the video, clicking on that timestamp will reach the same spot in the linked video. The new update also adds animated emoji features. You'll see animated versions of certain emojis each time you post it to a chat. These are quite different from the recently launched animated stickers.
Tell people who are unaware of Telegram for your information that like WhatsApp, Telegram is also a messenger that is available for Android, iOS, Window Phones, Windows and macOS. Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service in which you can chat with your relatives and friends online. Most importantly, Telegram is also an end-to-end chat that allows encryption, which means no third can read the message you send.
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