The 3 prominent initiatives taken by Dr. Jyotsna Suri to make the world around her a better place
The 3 prominent initiatives taken by Dr. Jyotsna Suri to make the world around her a better place

Dr. Jyotsna Suri has worked diligently to build a one-of-a-kind hotel industry with its presence globally. People say that they had the most remarkable experience when it comes to working with Lalit Hotels for all their needs to make their holidays fun and memorable. But do you know that the leading lady has not confined her efforts only to her business but also is a contributor to the growth and development of the left-out sections of society? Let's take a look at some of the initiatives taken by her to make this society a place to prosper and admire- 

Dr. Jyotsna Suri extends her arms for society’s betterment with Special Olympics Bharat!

Dr. Suri believes in equality and encourages people to treat people with different abilities with utmost dignity and respect. She has been working to give them the life they deserve; one such initiative was the Lalit Group's partnership with Special Olympics Bharat, held in April 2022. The Special Olympics Bharat provides sports training to interested candidates with disabilities and prepares them for athlete competition. Dr. Suri says she is glad to be a partner of such a global event because it has allowed people with different abilities to participate and explore their strengths. The association has also provided people with healthcare services and meals to the participants to help them lead a healthy and quality life. 

Project Disha - An initiative to give direction to people’s lives!

Dr. Jyotsna Suri has given a voice to her firm belief that " Quality education is the essential aspect of becoming successful and having a standard of living" through the project Disha, which the Lalit Group started. The project Disha is an effort to change the lives of millions of people with an aim to give access to top-notch education to the underprivileged parts of society. Numerous brilliant minds can do wonders for themselves and help the country grow incredibly but cannot do so because of a lack of quality education. Dr. Suri's project Disha has given the right direction to these great minds that allow children from the weaker section and youth of India to have access to good quality education. The project mentors teach their students different subjects to make them future-ready. They also teach them about the impact of having employment on their personal growth and development and also an overall impact on the economic development of the country. Dr. Jyotsna Suri constantly gives the best of her efforts to help the unvalued people of the community to lead a life they have always dreamt of. She wants the youth of India to discover their hidden potential and use it in the nation's development and to create a well-established environment for themselves and their families.

Inclusivity is the most needed diversity!

All of us have a right to lead a life of fulfillment with pride, and so do people from different genders and communities. Dr. Jyotsna Suri, the past president of FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry), has left no stones unturned to help the people belonging to the LGBTQ community, disabled people, and women with a vision to build a life for themselves by emphasizing and promoting inclusivity and diversity during the recent conclave held by FICCI. Dr. Jyotsna Suri also said that the more the co-operates would include people from different genders and disabilities in their workforce, the more the country will reach heights of economic growth and development. Under the guidance of Dr. Jyotsna Suri, the Lalit Group hires people from special communities having different abilities and women to want to stand on their feet.

Dr. Jyotsna Suri's initiatives to make society a safe place to learn and grow have changed the life of many. She has been consistently giving beyond the best to make people's life the best journey, and the nation has a terrific development in all aspects.


Dr. Jyotsna Suri is truly an inspiration for other entrepreneurs in the industry to stand up, create opportunities or help those who have a brilliant mindset and caliber to contribute to our country's development but lack because of being left out. The efforts and initiatives she has taken and continues to build a better society are commendable and will bring a remarkable change to the country's overall progression.

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