Anupam Kher starrer The Accidental Prime Minister is creating headlines due to its content. The movie is a biopic based on the life account of former Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Anupam Kher is essaying the lead role in the same. The film has got in troubled after the release of its trailer. Now, Anupam Kher took it to his social media handle to share a clip from the movie.
Anupam Kher shared the video in which we can see him paying last respect to Ex-PM Narasimha Rao as Dr. Manmohan SinghHe captioned the video as, “Ex Prime Minister Narasimha Rao Ji’s death was one of the saddest days for #DrManmohanSingh. Six days to go for the release of #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister. #11thJan #Worldwide @TAPMofficial. In this video we can see that how effortlessly Anupam Kher got into the skin of Manmohan Singh and his grip over of the body language and mannerism shows his acting prowess.
The film is directed by Vijay Gutte. The Accidental Prime Minister and written by Mayank Tiwar. It is based on the 2014 book wit the same name by Sanjaya Baru. Besdies Anupam kher Akshaye Khanna also stars in the film as Sanjaya Baru, who was the former PM's personal advisor. Film is set to hit theatres on January 11.
Ex Prime Minister Narasimha Rao Ji’s death was one of the saddest days for #DrManmohanSingh.
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) January 5, 2019
Six days to go for the release of #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister.#11thJan #Worldwide @TAPMofficial