The Only 5 Ways That Can Help Men Grow A Beard In No Time At Home
The Only 5 Ways That Can Help Men Grow A Beard In No Time At Home

Let's admit that growing a beard is a challenging and arduous task, which requires an immense amount of patience. Agreed, but what if you could actually grow one from the comfort of your home since we are in a state of lockdown again?

There are things that you can do that will help speed up the process.

1. Massage Your Face Everyday

Once you have washed your face, use your fingers and apply gentle pressure on your face. Massage in circular motions on the beard-growing area.

2. Try Home-Made Recipes

These are all homemade, they won't cause any harm to your skin. You can try using a mixture of lemon and cinnamon. With 1 tbsp of both lemon and cinnamon, you can make a paste and apply it to your beard and leave it on for at least 20 minutes. Use a cleanser to wash it off.

3. Oil Treatment

Olive oil is also an excellent agent when it comes to dealing with beards. To use it, you can combine it with either coconut oil or eucalyptus oil. Mix them together and apply the solution to the beard area. Let it sit for 10 minutes before you rinse it off.

4. Exfoliation

You can make your own facial scrub at home. You can mix brown sugar with olive oil or rock salt. 

Try out using honey, brown sugar or lemon juice. Another exfoliator that works well is coffee, with olive oil or water.

5. Use Beard Oil Or Softener

One of the best hair growth combinations is tea tree oil mixed with eucalyptus oil. These oils hydrate your beard and it also smells good. 

Take a few drops of both the oils. Add some almond oil to it. Now, massage the mixture on your beard and keep it for at least 15 minutes.


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