Moneyless and Hungry laborers travel from surat to Allahabad
Moneyless   and Hungry laborers travel from surat to Allahabad

On Friday, on Labor Day, a group of 60-70 laborers came out of the Indore bypass. Some have got blisters on their feet, most of them have empty pockets or very little money is left. With all these experiences, a group of laborers passed by the middle of the labyrinth at the Bichhauli masculine junction of the bypass, and the police and municipal personnel kept an eye on them. After interrogating those people, it was found that they were going from Surat towards Allahabad. Then the corporation workers made arrangements for food and water for them.

Actually, the only wish of these laborers is that they should reach home as soon as possible, so they are constantly moving. They were stuck in Surat due to the sudden lockdown. Then there were two-three thousand rupees, so the time was cut. When the pockets were empty, they did not understand anything, so they walked towards the house. Worker Sandeep Kumar said that about 30-40 laborers are from Allahabad, Bhadoi and nearby, while some are from Satna. Water is needed in summer, but there is also a problem of water. If someone gives us food and snacks for free, then the money is saved, or else they are left with 400-500 rupees, by doing a little breakfast, they run the work. They left Surat four-five days ago.

The corporation officers get information about these hungry and thirsty laborers going through the bypass, and CSI of Zone-19 reached them with food. Additional Commissioner of the Corporation Rajneesh Kasera told that as soon as information was received, food packets were sent to the laborers. Eyewitnesses said that when the laborers immediately moved forward after eating, some policemen made them sit in the shade of the tree. Manoj Kumar, Jalkesh and Ishwar Chandra, among the laborers, were requesting people that they would go ahead if a truck was arranged. In a short period of time, the policemen stopped a trucker and rescued the workers from the bypass toll plaza.

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