The Russian military style Kettlebell style exercise guide; benefits and key points
The Russian military style Kettlebell style exercise guide; benefits and key points

A kettlebell is a flat-bottomed cast iron ball with a handle. It was used in the Russian military for strength and conditioning. The giyra, Russian for kettlebell, ranges from 4 kg, to competition style weight (64 kg). A kettlebell differs from a dumbbell, barbell, or medicine ball in that the centre of mass is away from the handle, which may require more strength and coordination, as well as increased muscle recruitment during particular movements. Mukul Nagpaul, owner, PMF Training elaborates.

Benefits of kettlebell training

Kettlebell training is for individuals who wish to increase all aspects of health and fitness and for professional and Olympic athletes. Such benefits include

  • Enhanced athleticism, coordination, and balance
  • Increased mental focus and physical stamina
  • Increased oxygen uptake
  • Increased total body conditioning as opposed to isolation training
  • Recruitment of the posterior chain (calves, hamstring complex, gluteal muscles, spinal erectors)
  • Increased core stability and muscular endurance
  • Increased strength and power
  • Improved grip strength
  • Increased metabolic demands and caloric expenditure

Key points before using kettlebell

As with any training method, proper form and technique must be mastered to avoid injury. The skill required for kettlebell training requires meticulous focused practice, starting with instruction from a qualified kettlebell instructor. Most kettlebell exercises incorporate multiple joint motions and muscle groups when done correctly. Without focus and conscious attention to technique, an injury may occur. Honing all skills with exquisite technique per exercise is mandatory.

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