This rail route is very dangerous in the whole world
This rail route is very dangerous in the whole world

If you are fond of going through exciting routes, then this information is for you, because today we are going to tell you about some such rail routes where there is a danger of death every moment. These railroads are considered to be the most dangerous railroads in the world. However, along with being fierce, these railroads are also said to be very funny. Overall, it can be said about them that walking here means enjoying paradise and the world together.

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Traveling between Bandung to Indonesia's capital Jakarta, the train passes through a very high and fierce bridge, called the Argo Gede Railroad. There are no enclosures on either side of this bridge, which makes it more dangerous. This is the reason that as soon as the vehicle passes through this bridge, the breath of the passengers stops. Due to fear, the voice of some passenger escapes. However, in addition to this fear, if you look below the bridge, it looks like a very funny view.

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The name of this railroad is 'The Death Railway', which is in the Kanchanaburi province of Thailand adjacent to the Line of Control of Myanmar. During the Second World War, when the Japanese built this railroad, dozens of British and British war prisoners lost their lives due to its construction. This railroad passes through lush green and dense forests along the banks of the river, giving travelers a lot of fun. Along with this, this forest is scary as well as magnificent.

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