Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya Jonnalagadda got engaged in an intimate ceremony, which was attended only by their family and closest friends, as it happened during the lockdown period. The couple got engaged on Thursday evening in Hyderabad. Niharika’s brother Varun Tej, Tollywood megastar Chiranjeevi, Upasana Konidela, her cousins Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Sai Dharam Tej, Srija, Kalyaan Dhev and many others took part in the engagement ceremony. When the mega cousins posed for a photo, it created a buzz over the internet.
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Now, Niharika has shared two beautiful monochrome photos, and in the photos, it is visible that the couple could not let go of each other during the ceremony. Rana Daggubati, who recently got hitched to Miheeka Bajaj, replied to the photo with a congratulatory message. He wrote, “Congratulations to both of you. My best wishes always”. Kannum Kannum Kollaiyadithaal actor Rithu Varma and Tollywood actor Nidhhi Agerwal also wished Niharika.
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Fans and followers of Niharika took to social media after the pictures of the engagement surfaced online and congratulated the couple on their engagement. During the ceremony, Niharika was seen in a blue embroidered lehenga with a purple dupatta and the outfit with diamond jewelry, while Chaitanya opted for a dark-colored sherwani. Niharika and Chaitanya, who have created a cute hashtag for them as #NisChay, are expected to tie the knot early next year. The actress introduced Chaitanya in June this year by sharing some adorable pictures.
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