These 10 good habits are the best to stay healthy, definitely try
These 10 good habits are the best to stay healthy, definitely try

In today's busy life, many efforts have to be made to stay healthy. Today is World Healthy Day and in such a situation, if you want to be healthy, then today we are going to tell you the 10 best ways to stay healthy which can be useful for you.

ways to stay healthy-

* Wash hands thoroughly with soap after coming home from outside, after touching any foreign object, before preparing food, before eating, after eating and after using the bathroom.

* Pay special attention to cleanliness in the house, most of all on the kitchen and toilets. Do not allow water to collect anywhere. Keep utensils, fridge, oven etc. used for cooking and eating clean. Along with this, never keep wet utensils in the rack, nor keep them without lids without dry containers etc.

* Use fresh vegetables and fruits. Store spices, grains and other ingredients properly and also check the items with expiry date.

* Do not use too much oil, made of spices, backed and rich food. Cook food at the right temperature and do not destroy the nutritious elements of vegetables etc.

Use salad, curd, milk, porridge, green vegetables, whole lentils and cereals in food and try to have clean water for cooking and drinking.

* Use unsaturated vegetable oil (such as soybean, sunflower, corn or olive oil) for cooking and minimize the amount of both sugar and salt in the food. Apart from this, do not use junk food, soft drinks and juices made from artificial sugar etc. Keep in mind that dinner should be till eight o'clock and this food should be light.

* Keep your resting or sleeping room clean, airy and open-ended. Periodically expose mattresses to sunlight and wash sheets, pillowcases.

* Do meditation, yoga or meditation.

* Aim to climb the stairs of the office or home and walk fast.

* Wipe down the floor of the house by pouring salt or putting liquid available in the market.

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