These are the reasons of Hair Loss
These are the reasons of Hair Loss

Every day 50 to 100 hair losses of human beings are completely normal. But when your hair becomes thin, somewhere baldness or hair follicles begin to fall, then worrying becomes a bit more important. Hair loss is not just due to cosmetic. Experts believe that although it can be genetic, but hair loss can also indicate that there is some unbalanced in the body.

Androgactic allopicias, also called male or female pattern baldness, is the most common cause of hair loss. Although it is also genetic, it can also be due to diet, lifestyle and environment. A simple blood test can determine the level of your hormones and their paths. With the help of your doctor you can get rid of the problem and you can get help to develop hair in a natural way.

Anemia, insulin resistance, thyroid problems, an autoimmune disease and stress in the form of allopicia can be the cause of all hair loss. Chinese herbs, acupuncture and some foods can make yin in the body and restore balance. If you constantly touch the roots of your hair then the hair breaks in more quantity.

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