These easy tips will help you to remove the stubborn marks of pimples
These easy tips will help you to remove the stubborn marks of pimples

The problem of pimples on the face in teenage years is common, but due to hormonal disorders, genetic causes, dirty skin, oily skin, more stress, pollution, dust mites and more quantity of chemical products it gets increased. After some time, pimples are removed but their stubborn scars remain on the face. Because of which any girl has a bad effect on the beauty. Girls use a variety of beauty products to make their face unblemished, but there is no benefit. Today we are going to tell you about some of the things that will remove the marks of Pimples present on your face.

1- If you want to remove the marks of the pimples present on your face, then add a little lemon juice to the rose water and apply it on your face. When it is dry, wash it with clean water. Regularly doing this will remove the marks of pimples from your face.

2- Add a little sandalwood powder and glycerin in the aloe vera gel to your face. Wash it with clean water after 15 minutes. By doing this measure twice a week, you will see the difference.

3- Coconut oil helps to remove any type of mark. To remove the marks of pimples, mix a little camphor in coconut oil and massage your face daily. By doing so the marks of the pimples will disappear.

4- A large amount of natural bleach is present in lemon which helps to remove the marks of pimples as well as to clean the color of face . Mix a little turmeric in lemon juice and apply it on your face. Wash it with clean water after 15 minutes.



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