These easy ways remove stains and scars of the skin
These easy ways remove stains and scars of the skin

If there is the problem of stains on a girl's face, it has a very bad effect on her beauty. Some girls also stop getting out of the house because of stains and joints. If you are also troubled by the scars and joints problem, then you no longer have to worry. Today we are going to tell you some ways you can get rid of the problem of stains and joints. 

1- If your face has stains and joints, then in one teaspoon yellow mustard, grind a teaspoon of lentils and grams of a teaspoon chironji. Now add a little honey to it and apply it on your face. Now massage your face with light hands. When it dries, wash it with lukewarm water. By doing this twice a week, the problem of your stains and joints will be overcome. 

2- Add milk in a small lentil pulse and grind it. Now put it on your face and leave it for half an hour. Wash your face with lukewarm water later on. By doing this, you will get rid of the scars of stains. 

3- Once a week, after bathing with buttermilk, the problem of stain spots and joints disappears and the skin gets scarred. 

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