You have often seen that the effect of the weather on our health is very high. That is why some of our food items have been incorporated in the diet according to the weather in recent times. The winter season is still running. By taking certain types of things in this season, your body's immunity power becomes strong and health is also good. The quick and cold winds in winter can make you sick. So today we are going to tell you about some of the things that you can keep yourself healthy even during the winter season.
1- The dates of the date are very hot. Apart from this, iron is also rich in protein, fat, sugar and calcium. Apart from this, there are plenty of vitamins A, B and C. All these things are very beneficial for health. If you consume a date, then your body gets 85 percent sugar, and additionally it consumes 100 gram of dates and gives 283 calories of energy to the body.
2- Junk intake is very beneficial in the winter season, it consumes the body warm from inside, regular digestion of jaggery increases your digestive power. Apart from this, it consumes blood volume in the body and eating it also increases the appetite; eating things made from jaggery leads to diseases.
3- If you eat peanuts regularly during the winter season, then your body can always be healthy, in plenty of protein, moisture, fats, minerals, fiber, carbohydrate, energy, calories, calcium, phosphorus in peanut There is plenty of iron, carotene, thymine, folic acid, besides this there is also plenty of elements of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc., which is called Hama Mr. create beneficial to health.