These methodes will prevent from hair loss in winter
These methodes will prevent from hair loss in winter

Today, there are no two opinions that the beautiful black shiny hair gives four moons in the beauty of the woman. In the olden times, the females used many methods for the maintenance and cleansing of hair, from which hair is actually black, dense, strong And used to be shiny, but in today's era many types of soaps and other things have been brought under the eye of the hair, instead of getting the hair nutrients, With breaks start falling only seem to be white.

To look after hair, do this:

1. Put 3 grams of Triphala powder in the juice of Bhangra and dry it thoroughly after grinding it, it should be white and it breaks off after consuming about 2 grams every morning in the morning.

2. By diluting the hair at the place where there is no hair, massage with the juice of the leaves of Bhangra leaves good black hair in a few days, whose hair breaks or two faces become the best use for them.

3. Seed and seeds of seeds of peas and grind them in equal proportions and apply them in the roots of the hair. By doing this the hair is long and strong.

4. Boil 50 grams of Kalonji in 1 liter of water Wash the hair with this boiled water. Hair becomes very long and strong in just one month.

5. Mixing Amla powder in lemon juice and turning it on the head, white hair becomes black and the breakdown of the hair also decreases.

6. Avoid negligence in the cleaning of hair Remember that if the sweating causes hair to reach the roots of hair, to avoid this, wash hair at least twice a week.

7. Due to the effect of dust and pollution, the head hair becomes rudely and lifeless, to get rid of it, always wash the hair with good herbal shampoo.

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