These toilet paper lip art will make you shock!
These toilet paper lip art will make you shock!

Other than for chasing our favorite celebs, We usually spot to  Instagram for new fashion and beauty trends and swags and recently we have just stop with some amazing fashion trends. Have a look! the social media portal itself, there is no doubting that we've spotted some really bizarre ones too. And so it comes as no wonder to us anymore that nothing is off-limits in terms of some creative ideas taking to the media portal, bizarre or not!

One of the Italian makeup artist Greta Agazzi took to Instagram to put her newest creation out and well, like most things on the world wide web, it earned acceptance by some and received much flak too (and we understand why). Actually, the freelance makeup artist put toilet paper, clean, of course, on her pout before brushing on matte and metallic liquid lipsticks. What's surprising however is that the toilet paper didn't disintegrate completely.

However, we can't help but not doubt that it does make for a rather glamorous look and the resultant look really does turn out to look surprisingly pretty. Will you be trying this lip art anytime soon? Really it looks amazing but at the same time, it sounds yuck! because the makeup artist used a toilet paper, how can one use it for the fashion? 

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