You should always teach your child these five habits of cleanliness
You should always teach your child these five habits of cleanliness

Manners are the main factor that should be taught to your child, since the day they learn to hold the spoon and fed themselves. As we all know the mother is the first teacher of a child, so all the moms, it's your duty to teach gentle manners to your child.

Here are the five things that all mothers should teach their child:

How to sneeze:

Most of the people put their palms over their nose while sneezing but you forget that your baby is observing you and they will learn the same habit you do. So always put your elbow beneath your face thus, your hands will be clean and don’t bear any kind of germs.

How to clean their nose:

We should clean our nose properly and it’s not wrong to clean nose from inside. We all clean it, so don’t scold your child when he keeps his finger in their nose rather, you should teach them how they can clean their nose properly with tissue paper and handkerchief.

You should teach them toilet activities:

They may not be cleaning themselves properly so, you should teach them how to use flush and wash spray.

How to brush teeth:

You may be thinking that baby’s gums are soft that will get affected due to hard bristles. But, it's necessary to teach them how to brush. So used special quality soft brushes and teach them the proper way of brushing.

Cleaning of hands every time:

Your child goes outside to play and they touch many dirty things which stick on their hands and they put it inside their mouth, face and transfer germs on their body. Put good quality hand washes for their sensitive skin at the place where they can reach easily and wash their hand.   


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