Girl ingests remote battery, thinking of chocolate, Died!
Girl ingests remote battery, thinking of chocolate, Died!

A shocking incident has come to light in Stoke-on-Trent City, England. Here, a two-year-old girl swallowed the remote control battery thinking of chocolate. After that, the child's health started deteriorating. She was taken to a hospital where she lost his battle with life In his early stage. After death, the mother of the child spreads awareness to the people to keep the children away from this type of crisis. His mother Stacey Niklin has been deeply shocked after the tragic death of two-year-old Harper Lee, a resident of Stoke-on-Trent City.

She is also making other parents aware after the incident to keep children away from remotes and toys that use button batteries. Explaining the accident, Stacey Nikalin said that when she remembers two-year-old innocent Harper Lee, her soul trembles. When the accident took place, the daughter was alone in the room and swallowed something.

She said the girl was being monitored by her elder sister Jamie Leigh. When the baby swallowed the battery, her head suddenly started moving backward and blood started falling from her mouth. Stacey Nickelin said she was not saying anything. Her eyes just closed and she could not talk back to me, after which she was taken to Royal Stoke University Hospital, where she was treated. The hospital doctor said his daughter have swallowed the battery. According to the report Harper Lee died during surgery.

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