This disease turns normal food into alcohol in the stomach and the person starts dancing in intoxication
This disease turns normal food into alcohol in the stomach and the person starts dancing in intoxication

In a shocking turn of events, a Canadian woman's health ordeal took a perplexing twist when doctors attributed her symptoms to excessive alcohol consumption, despite her abstaining from alcohol altogether. This misdiagnosis led to a cascade of misunderstandings and doubts regarding her credibility.

The Story Unfolds

This tale hails from Canada, where a woman found herself subjected to treatment for alcoholism by doctors for the past two years, only to discover that the root cause of her illness was something entirely different. A 50-year-old woman residing in Canada had been battling illness for the past couple of years.

Every time she visited the hospital for a check-up, traces of alcohol were mysteriously detected in her body. Consequently, doctors prescribed treatments based on the assumption of alcoholism, urging her to quit drinking. However, the woman adamantly denied ever consuming alcohol.

Unraveling the Mystery

As perplexity shrouded the situation, doctors reached out to Dr. Rachel Jewell, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Toronto. Dr. Jewell's investigation unveiled a startling revelation: the woman's illness stemmed from alcohol produced within her own body, despite her abstaining from external sources of alcohol.

Indeed, the woman was suffering from Auto-Brewery Syndrome, a rare and serious condition where an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract converts carbohydrates from food into alcohol.

The woman had complained of feeling intoxicated without consuming alcohol over the past few years. Dr. Jewell confirms that these symptoms are characteristic of Auto-Brewery Syndrome. If you ever experience similar sensations without indulging in alcohol, it is imperative to consult a competent physician promptly to address the underlying condition. This narrative underscores the importance of thorough medical investigation and the potential pitfalls of jumping to conclusions based solely on surface-level symptoms. The woman's harrowing experience serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the significance of seeking second opinions and advocating for one's health diligently.

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