This face pack removes skin problems in growing age
This face pack removes skin problems in growing age

Most women have problems with sun damages and edge spots. Speaking of healthy skin, natural prescriptions are more effective than ready-made beauty products found in the market. Using a beauty product found in the market does not get the desired result. So today we have come with permanent treatment to remove the edge spots for you. Aging spots begin to emerge on the skin due to exposure to the sun for long periods of time. But now you do not need to worry. Today we are going to tell you about a face pack that you can use to get a free skin from sun damages.


One spoon- curd, two spoons- oatmeal, one spoon- lemon juice, one spoon-turmeric

Take a curd in a glass or bowl. Now add oatmeal powder and mix it. Now add lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric. Now let this face pack dry up on your face. Afterwards wash your face with clean water. Lactic acid present in the curd removes dead skin and makes the skin shiny. Oatmeal removes dead cells of skin and prevents skin from becoming lifeless. Apart from this, oatmeal retains moisture of the skin.a

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