This place is no less than a paradise for criminals
This place is no less than a paradise for criminals

After committing a crime, criminals all over the world try to hide in a place where the police cannot catch them. Many criminals are successful in this and take refuge in other countries. Some countries are no less than a paradise for criminals, and one of such countries is London.

Why is London a haven for criminals?
London is known for its historical heritage, diversity, and culture, but in recent years this city has become a favorite place for criminals to take refuge. Criminals like to come here because London's justice system is considered reliable. The legal complexities here often save criminals from arrest, which makes them feel safe.

Recently, a report revealed that many criminals are fleeing from different countries and hiding in London. Some of these criminals are also carrying out criminal activities in collaboration with the local population there. This situation in London is an indication of it becoming a safe place for criminals.

Last year, India gave a list of 57 fugitives to Britain, while Britain handed over a list of 17 fugitives to India. Since 2013, about 5500 Indians have taken refuge in Britain, although not all of them are criminals. India and Britain signed an extradition treaty in 1992, but Britain has so far handed over only one Indian criminal, Samirbhai Vinubhai Patel, to India in 2016. Since then, Britain has not handed over any fugitive to India.

London Police's campaign
Although London is seen as a haven for criminals, the local administration and police are not taking this problem lightly. London Metropolitan Police has started a special campaign which aims to arrest criminals and control criminal activities. Under this campaign, many suspected criminals have been arrested and the police is working further in this direction.

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