Recently, The Kapil Sharma show was attended by superstar Singer's judges and contestants, and during that time the young contestant won the hearts of the people with the magic of their voices. At the same time, during the show, Singer Himesh Reshmaiya, Javed Ali and Alka Yagnik talked about their life and career struggles. At the same time, Kapil Sharma, along with everyone on the show, had fun, and during that time Singer and composer Himesh Reshmaiya said, "Salman Khan is the one who gave him recognition and entry into the music industry."
"He used to see music as a hobby. He had never seen music as a career. Actor Salman Khan was the one who gave him the first break and thought of going ahead with music ever since," he said in his post, "Wherever he is today, it is possible just because of Salman Khan. Not only that, but he also thanked Alka Yagnik for singing the first song.
In the meantime, Kapil Sharma also made people happy by singing, and Himesh asked Kapil to sing. He further said, "I know Kapil sings a very good song. He works to woo his audience," says Himesh.