This thing is more powerful than egg-milk, eat it empty stomach in the morning
This thing is more powerful than egg-milk, eat it empty stomach in the morning

Cowpea (Chawla pod) is popularly the best source of protein for vegetarians. Yes and it is said that it contains plant based protein. Not only this, but it is helpful in weight loss due to being rich in fiber. Let us tell you that the consumption of cowpea is also beneficial for improving cholesterol levels.

What is cowpea - Cowpea are oval-shaped beans with a black marking, and for this reason they are also recognized as black-eyed peas. Let us tell you that cowpea is available in different colors like red, white, black and brown, it is considered good in taste and extremely beneficial for health. It is called Chawla Phali in common language. Very few people know that cowpea contains more protein than egg, milk.

Benefits of consuming cowpea-

Cowpea is also effective in reducing weight by detoxifying the body.
Consumption of cowpea is helpful in making the digestive system healthy.
Consumption of cowpea is beneficial for heart health.
Cowpea also gives relief from sleep problems.
Cowpea contains high levels of iron, which prevents anemia.
Consumption of cowpea helps in boosting immunity.

How to consume Cowpea- If you want, you can eat Cowpea seeds by grinding them. Apart from this, the pods and seeds of cowpea can be consumed as a vegetable. By the way, you can eat cowpea seeds by making chaat. Apart from this, you can also consume cowpea like sprouts. If you want, you can eat soaked cowpea in the morning.

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