This thing must add shampoo to shine in hair
This thing must add shampoo to shine in hair

In today's pollution-prone environment, hair has to suffer the most damage. In such a situation, if you do not take proper care of your hair, then it starts weakening. Dandruff, due to pollution, leads to problems of dandruff. Apart from this your hair starts to look lifeless. If you want to protect your hair, avoid using chemical product in hair. Today, we are going to tell you about something that can be shiny and shiny by applying shampoo and hair in the hair. 

If you want to bring natural light in your hair, then add some sugar to your shampoo and apply it in your hair. Mixing sugar in shampoo will give your hair moisture. This will alleviate your hair. According to Hair Expert, adding sugar to the shampoo keeps moist hair moist. The use of sugar does not affect the hair in the hair, and your hair gets natural glow. 

Mixing sugar in shampoo increases your hair growth. If your hair is flowing, then this remedy can prove beneficial for you. Mixing sugar in shampoo provides relief from itching in the hair, and also damages the problem of dandruff with your hair.

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