Tip to remove water deficiency from the body
Tip to remove water deficiency from the body

If there is a shortage of water in the body, then the person starts feeling very weak. In this, it is very important to meet the shortage of water in the body. Because of the lack of water, the risk of other diseases, other than weakness increases.

Therefore, today we are going to tell an easy solution to remove the water shortage from the body.

Ingredients: 1 jug Water, 5 spoonful of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt

To make this drink, first pour water into a vessel. Now add sugar and salt to it and mix it well.Your ORS solution is ready. In this solution do not mix anything except sugar and salt, drink this. It reduces the amount of water scarcity from the body very easily.

You can easily consume this drink throughout the day. If you wish, you can prepare this drink in a high amount and store it in the refrigerator. By consuming it will remove your fatigue and weakness throughout the day.

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