Tips Asthma patients should be adopted to get protected from pollution during Diwali
Tips Asthma patients should be adopted to get protected from pollution during Diwali

Today we are going to share with you that what care should asthma patients to get protected from pollution during Diwali, Christmas, Eid and New Year. these are some of the big festivals and events, when firecrackers are fired in large quantities across the country. There is a lot of smoke and pollution from these firecrackers, due to which people have problems like cough, difficulty in breathing and throat infection. But during this time, the most troubled people are those who have asthma. If anyone in your family also has this type of problem, then definitely follow some tips. So that the smoke of firecrackers does not increase your problem.

With the help of these tips, you can take care of yourself as if cleaning work is going on in the houses at this time, you also need to stay away from this dust. So stay away from where there is cleanliness, or if you have to stay, then use the mask. Keep in mind that at the time when most firecrackers are fired, do not leave the house. And this time is the evening time. The curtains, windows and doors of the house should be kept closed when the people around are firing firecrackers. Wear full sleeves and do not have a hungry stomach. Eat things that warm the body. Do not let the body lack energy. Do yoga, meditation and exercise amid light sunlight during the day. So that the mind remains calm and you feel strong. During this time, keep your inhaler with you at all times. Avoid going to a very hot or humid place. Because during this time smoke, pollution, mold pores are more likely to spread

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