Follow these beauty tips for a beautiful neck
Follow these beauty tips for a beautiful neck

People use many ways to enhance the beauty of the face. But with your face, you also have to pay attention to your neck. If the neck and face colour does not match, you may look bad. That is why beauticians always insist to take care of other body parts as well as much as the face skin is pampered. That is, whenever you go for makeup, the neck is to be taken care of along with your face. Find out how you can enhance the beauty of your neck.

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Special masks can be prepared for the face as well as neck and it is completely natural. Mash a banana and add a teaspoon of olive oil to it. Leave the pack on the neck for 10 to 15 minutes and then clean the neck lightly with the help of wet napkins.

Egg packs are quite effective. For this,  separate the egg white scent and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Keep this pack on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

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The massage of the neck is as necessary as the massage of the face. The skin of this part is very thin, so pressure and movement have to be taken care of during massage. Keep the hand movements in the top and the bottom during the neck massage. Make sure not to massage your neck for more than five minutes.

Coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil or everyday oil can be used to make your neck more beautiful. Take four to five drops of these oil on the palm. Apply them on both the palms and then on the neck and massage. Leave it for the night and clean it during the morning bath.

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