Tired of your Dark Circles, 10 ways to get rid of dark circles and keep your skin glowing
Tired of your Dark Circles, 10 ways to get rid of dark circles and keep your skin glowing

Dark  circles doesn’t result in pain or it is not a very big problem which affects your health. But even after this people are tired of dark circles. As dark circles make your look unhealthy, boring and less presentable.  It doesn’t matter what is your skin color whether you are of fair, or of dark skin dark circle steals your face’s glow and can make you look old. There are several reason of darkness near your eyes like lack of sleep, lots of work, allergy, heredity and various other skin disorder. But not to worry there are 10 easy and simple steps to get rid of your dark circle.

Stop smoking or taking toxic substances

If you are active smoker then this is a time to stop smoking and taking toxic substances because smoking is not only unhealthy for your body but it also results in damage to your skin and causes dark circle.

Apply Cucumber

You have seen in different movies that people apply cucumber on your face. Cucumber actually is very useful to get rid of dark circles as it contains Vitamin K you just have to get it freezed for 30 minutes and then applied it on your face for 10 to  15 minutes.

Get enough Sleep

Very common reason of having dark circle is lack of sleep. Not having proper sleep results in stress and other mental problem and this stress causes darkcircle.  At least 8 hours of undisrupted sleep is needed for a heathy life.

Cold Compress

A cold compress is also effective to get rid of darkcircle wraps ice cube in a cloth or you can also wash a cloth with cold water and applied for sometime.


Soak cotton in rose water applied it on your darkcircle after 15 to 20 minute you can wash your face. Rose water helps to clear skin tone.


Application of milk is just similar to Rosewater. Milk contains vitamin A which helps to get rid of dark circles.

Apply tea bags

If the dark circle is not whitening after this tip, then it may be caused due to allergy and for this treatment, you must visit dermatologist or take allergies medicine.

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