Today is Bhanu Saptami, must do this work
Today is Bhanu Saptami, must do this work

Let all of you know that today the eldest mother is the Saptami date and this date is known as the Bhanu Saptami date. It is said that on this day, the worship of Sun Dev is worshipped and with this the sun is regarded as a revered deity from ancient times, the person who climbs the regular sun in the morning and receives glory and prosperity in life. In the same way, the glory of the Sun is also described in our scriptures, and with this it is a special fruitful day for the free from disease of a healthy and a desire for the mind. It is said that today the Sun Saptami or Bhanu Saptami is the law of adoration of the Sun and it is believed in the scriptures that if the Saptami date comes on Sunday, it is called Bhanu Saptami.

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At the same time, it is said that on this day, Sun Dev appeared aboard the seven-horse chariot, the reason why it is also called the Sun Saptami. While the fasting of the Sun Saptami is considered to be an eternal liberation for women, the fasting is a special reward for women, and today we are talking about Bhanu Saptami or Sun Saptami Vow method in this article.

Tell all of you that on this day, after bathing in Brahmuhurat, you should continue to circumnavigate Surya Dev with a water offering and, if possible, bathe in a sacred river or a pond and offer water to the sun. Now then deepdan the Sun and worshiping Surya Dev brings health benefits to the ailing person as well as the blessing of longevity.

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