This player walk for mills due to lock down
This player walk for mills due to lock down

Walking athlete Katie Irfan has no complaints about the Tokyo Olympic Games being postponed due to the Covid-19 epidemic as it will give them more time to prepare. Irfan qualified for the Olympics for the second time after finishing fourth in the 20 km event at the Asian Walking Championships last year. The 30-year-old Irfan said that it is good to postpone the Olympics and he can practice accordingly. He said, 'We can get close to winning medals. Walking is associated with a technique, so I will have time to focus more on it. This will help us perform better next year.'

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When asked about the goal in the Olympics, he said, 'My main objective is to win medals. I was injured during the Rio Olympics. I also had a chance to win a medal in London.' Irfan finished 10th in the 2012 London Olympics with a national record time of 1 hour 20 minutes 21 seconds. He failed to qualify for the 2016 Olympics.

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Irfan said, 'If I work hard, there is a possibility of getting a medal. I have mentally prepared myself and set a goal of winning medals. India has a 21-day nationwide shutdown due to the Covid-19 epidemic.' More than 90,000 people have died worldwide due to the disease, of which 199 are dead in India.

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