Golden Globe Awards 2020: This great artist gets emotional while giving speech
Golden Globe Awards 2020: This great artist gets emotional while giving speech

Today the most popular actor of Hollywood who played a great role in films, Tom Hanks is well-known. He always remains in the headlines due to his films. Recently, many cine personalities were honored with prestigious awards at the Golden Globe Awards 2020 function. The celebs who received the award were seen to be surprised and emotional on their win. Tom Hanks, who won the Golden Globe Award 3 times, wept by remembering family. Olivia Coleman, who won the Best Actress Award in the TV category, said, "I did not think that something like this was going to happen."

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According to media reports, Michelle Williams spoke of women's empowerment. Michelle, who won the title of Best Actress for Fos / Verden. She said, "I am happy that I live in a society where choice matters. I have always tried my best to live my life instead of being myself." She said, "Maybe my choice or opinion is different from you, but thank God or whoever you believe, we live in a country where I am free to live according to myself and in my own way."

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Tom thanks the family: Oscar Award winner Tom Hanks has been awarded the Cecil B. DeMille Award for Contribution and Performance to the World Cinema. Tom gets emotional after receiving the award. He said, "I have got that family sitting below as a blessing. A wife who taught me what love is and 5 children who are braver than their father. The group of loving people who have always stood by me, I cannot tell how much your love means to me."

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