New Delhi: The apex court will pronounce its verdict tomorrow on a petition seeking a court-monitored probe into the Pegasus espionage case. A bench of Chief Justice (CJI) NV Ramana, Justice Suryakant, Justice Hima Kohli is set to pronounce the verdict in the case. The verdict will be pronounced at 10.30 a.m. On September 23, CJI NV Ramana had said that the court was considering setting up a technical committee to look into allegations of spying on journalists, activists, politicians, etc. using Pegasus spyware.
Israeli company NSO developed Pegasus spyware. CJI had said that the order was being delayed due to difficulties in identifying persons who wanted to be part of the technical committee. On September 13, a bench of CJI NV Ramana, Justice Surya Kant and Justice Hema Kohli reserved an interim order in the Pegasus case. In fact, the central government had expressed reluctance to file an affidavit. The affidavit was to explain whether the government has used Pegasus spyware.
On this, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had told the court that the matter was related to national security and therefore could not be made a subject of judicial debate or public discussion. He said the government cannot say in its affidavit whether it has used any special software for security purposes as it could alert terrorist organizations.
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