Too much social Media? Overuse can Damage Romantic Relationship
Too much social Media? Overuse can Damage Romantic Relationship

Using many types of online Social Media or social site at once can damage Romantic Relationship, suggests new research-constant activity on more than four media platforms can degrade relationship satisfaction.

Facebook has become cross-generationally ubiquitous over the past decade, and the rise of smartphones, video chats, and an ever-expanding array of integrated social networking services now allows couples to keep the romance alive via Skype, tweet, Instagram, and Google Chat whether they're in the same room or thousands of miles apart.

It also allows them to ignore one another in each other's physical presence. “Not only is social media such as Facebook changing the way we relate to one another, many are also confusing digital intimacy with true intimacy," said Dr. Rachel Needle, a psychologist at the Center for Marital and Sexual Health of South Florida.

"It has been estimated that Facebook activities contribute to at least 20% of divorce cases." Social media interaction now dominates both online and offline conversations.

In a society where interacting and over-sharing online is the norm, you’re probably more likely to speak to friends and family through electronic devices than face-to-face.

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