By these ways, you can make your thin hairs look thick!
By these ways, you can make your thin hairs look thick!

Styling thin hair is quite difficult. They don't look too dense and you can't even give them a good look. For those who have thin hair, we've come up with a few tips to help them give their hair a stylish look. There are many tricks that can help you volume your thin hair.

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* You can use the right comb for hair to make them look dense. If your hair is thin, always use a round brush. This will give your hair a C-shape and make it look dense.

* There will be many sprays available in the market that work to give the hair volume. Use before making any hairstyling. You'll also find many similar shampoos.

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* Back combing is also an excellent way to give hair volume. But don't do it much. It also causes chances of hair fractures. Take a small portion of the hair and comb it with a thin toothed comb from the middle of the hair to the roots. Always keep the direction of the comb from the middle to the roots.

* With the help of a blow dryer, you can also give them volume. When the hair is wet, drop the entire hair forward (bend). Then run the blow dryer by combing the hair with a round brush.

* Dry shampoo can also make your hair thicker. This will also reduce the oily eyesight of the hair. Also, do side-partying instead of inter-demand. This will also change your look.

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