Trouble of these stubborn Blackheads? Get the rid off!
Trouble of these stubborn Blackheads? Get the rid off!

 Blackhead occurs around the nose, forehead and chin area. How to Use Tea Tree Oil For Blackheads?

Here are some easy ideas you can try at your home with using less time

Face Masks

Mix three drops of jojoba oil with tea tree oil. Stir and add some tomato pulp to it. Mash it together to make some puree out of it. Apply this all over the face, especially on the blackhead region. Let it dry for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Do it while Cleaning and Moisturizing

While cleansing your face or even moisturizing it, add some tea tree oil to your cream or wash. This will definitely help in fighting blackheads permanently. You can add 2 to 6 drops. Not more than that. Save your eyes from that oil,

Make Facial Scrub at home

A homemade facial scrub is more effective for removing blackheads. Simply mix some sugar, olive oil and tea tree oil together. Add a tablespoon of honey as well. Massage all over your face, especially on the blackhead region.

Make it bathing habit

You can remove it with tea tree oil even while bathing. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your bathtub when it’s full of water. Let it sink and blend for a bit before you start bathing.

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