Trump Campaign Raises $130 Million in August Amid Fundraising Competition
Trump Campaign Raises $130 Million in August Amid Fundraising Competition

The campaign for Donald Trump has announced that it raised an impressive $130 million in August, a significant amount though still falling short compared to the financial support received by Vice President Kamala Harris.

This total includes contributions from joint fundraising efforts, along with Trump’s official campaign and the Republican National Committee. However, Harris' campaign has not yet disclosed the amount they raised for the same period. Full reports covering fundraising activities for August are expected by September 20.

Trump's team reported having almost $300 million in cash reserves by the end of the month, a decrease from the previous month’s $327 million. The campaign is intensifying efforts as the election approaches.

“These fundraising results are a reflection of the growing momentum and will drive President Trump’s America First movement back to the White House,” said Brian Hughes, a senior advisor to the Trump campaign.

While the $130 million raised in August is impressive, it falls short of the $139 million raised in July, a figure boosted by the Republican National Convention. It’s also less than the $210 million Trump’s team raised in August 2020 during his incumbency.

Earlier this year, Trump's campaign surged ahead of President Joe Biden's operation following a conviction in New York that sparked significant donations. However, the enthusiasm of Democratic donors for Harris has quickly pushed her campaign ahead, with her team more than doubling Trump's July fundraising total.

In a memo released Sunday, Harris' campaign chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, noted that since Harris entered the race, her campaign has raised $540 million—a figure likely to maintain their financial lead over Trump.

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