All of you will soon see TV's very famous actor Ram Kapoor's show Bade Achhe Lagte Hain fame actress Chahat Khanna in Sanjay Dutt, Chunky Pandey and Jackie Shroff starring Prasthanam. In such a situation, Chahat Khanna recently talked to Spotboy about her film and made many big revelations about her life from Bollywood. During this, the actress also spoke on the MeToo movement in the Bollywood film industry and told that many people took advantage of this movement and many people shut their mouths with money.
Not 'Ye Rishta' but this famous serial made its first place in the TRP chart
Yes, during this time when Chahat Khanna was asked "Why did she stay away from films", she termed casting couch as the reason. Chahat said, 'Casting directors are a big reason for this but who will believe it. The casting couch is still in the industry and its scope is huge. At the same time, when she was asked why she did not talk about this during the MeToo movement, she replied, 'Some people took their mouths off with a cheque and those who had publicity stunts worked. It was a period as fashion comes. Those who took advantage of it took it and those who remained were left.'
Rishi Kapoor returned home after his treatment, Kapil shared this tweet
With this, Chahat Khanna further said that 'I know many such actresses, who thought it better not to speak. There are many actors whose names should have come out, but they did not come. If you have trouble, why need to wait for the Metoo movement to talk about it? You should talk immediately. If I wanted to end my marriage, I did. I did not wait for MetooDivores.'
Birthday: This actress is famous by face, not by name, died because of this reason!