Twitter Gives This Special Monsoon Gift For Indian Twitter Users
Twitter Gives This Special Monsoon Gift For Indian Twitter Users

Recently, microblogging site Twitter has given a special gift of monsoon to Indian users. In which microblogging site Twitter has specially released special blue umbrella emoji which Indian users can use. This umbrella emoji will be active till August 31 After which will be removed.

Giving information about this, Viral Jani, head of Entertainment and TV Partnerships of Twitter India, has said that we want to celebrate the country's generosity during the famous Indian monsoon, and what can be better than Twitter Emoji for this, which will motivate people to share their experiences and conversations. When users use hashtag to differentiate the monsoon of the country Range, after the hashtag a bright blue umbrella will appear.

Twitter has made some special offers to Indian users before this, in which special attention is taken of Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, Independence Day, Republic Day, International Yoga Day and Ambedkar Jayanti etc.

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