3 Easy water exercise to stay healthy
3 Easy water exercise to stay healthy

Swimming in summer season offers a big relief from the heat. Many times you have heard that if you want to lose your weight, you can opt for swimming. The swimming pool is said to be an excellent exercise ground. Nowadays underwater strength exercising is getting trendy. It is a low-impact exercise and boosts both heart rate and muscle strength. Ancient Hawaiians were probably the first to develop strength training in water since they swam in the deep seas carrying large rocks. 
Here we have come up with an easy guide for you to exercise in water.
Let's have a look

#Tread water: This involves all your muscle groups as you will try to float. Try floating for at least three minutes, if you are a beginner and move your way up to 5 or 10 minutes.

#Knee-to-chest exercise: This movement is performed while standing on one leg, which is slightly bent, and one leg outstretched in front while one hand holds onto the side of the pool. It strengthens and stretches the muscles in the leg, hip and lower back.

#Stretching exercises: You must stretch after a session of aqua aerobics or water workouts.

*Note: If you have any physical problem, please refer to your doctor before exercising.

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