UK Military Studies Captured Russian Tanks to Gain Insights on Russian Military Technology
UK Military Studies Captured Russian Tanks to Gain Insights on Russian Military Technology

Moscow: An authoritative British military commander has reportedly stated that Ukraine is transferring some captured and destroyed Russian tanks to the UK, where the armored vehicles are being meticulously examined by experts.

According to the source, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of the British Defence Staff, said that "we have the scientists who unpick the detail that another nation might have to a really forensic level."

The official stated that the research being done on Russian tanks at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in Porton Down aims to provide answers to a number of questions, including "how does their equipment work, how can we defeat it, how can we have even better armour, how can we disrupt their communications, how can we ensure that we can penetrate their defenses."

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London is prepared to share its findings with allies, Radakin continued, implying that Moscow "might be a danger to us in the future."

The Telegraph also cited Defence Secretary Ben Wallace as saying that he would not stop the decline in the British military that has led to a historically low personnel level in recent years. Wallace gave notice of his impending resignation last week but insisted that London would invest more money in cutting-edge weapons.

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In the meantime, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed to the Russian media on Sunday that specialists were also looking into captured Western weapons and made a suggestion that some of their findings might be useful in "reverse engineering."

The Russian head of state argued, "If there is a chance to look inside and see if there is something that we can apply, then why not?"

Nevertheless, Putin hastened to add that the T-90 main battle tank produced by Russia is the "best in the world, without any exaggeration."

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Since beginning its counteroffensive in early June, the Ukrainian military has reportedly lost 3,000 pieces of heavy equipment, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Putin claimed last week that the destroyed Ukrainian equipment included about 300 armored vehicles made in the West.

With The New York Times reporting last week that Kiev had lost 20% of the equipment it sent into battle during the early stages of the operation, Forbes last month referred to the Ukrainian counteroffensive as "disastrous."


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