Unusual Space bubble concert in USA by Flaming Lips
Unusual Space bubble concert in USA by Flaming Lips

Rock Band group, The Flaming Lips, performed two concerts over the weekend in Oklahoma, where audience members danced along while enclosed in plastic bubbles. American rock band the Flaming Lips have come up with a creative and safest way to put on live shows in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, putting themselves and their audience in protective "space bubbles".

The photographer and cameraman Nathan Poppe tweeted pictures of the venue, saying there were 100 bubbles, each capable of holding a maximum of three people and posted the Pre-event pictures. Each capsules were equipped with a speaker, fan, bottle of water, towel and a sign reading "I gotta go pee/It's hot in here" to be shown to stewards, who escorted travellers or refilled the bubbles with cool air as per their need. 

Audience had to wear masks once they come out of  bubble, but could take them off inside, an instructional video shared by lead singer Wayne Coyne, showed. "It's not just another concert ... you're part of this thing and it's never been done before ... They're quite up for it being different", said Wayne Coyne. The group had held a practice bubble show run last year, when the global pandemic forced most concerts to be cancelled or postponed. 

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