According to the report's release by the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board (UPSEB) will upload the answer sheets of all the top 10 scorers of class X and XII on its official website by May 7. The results of UP Boards are set to be announced on April 29.
According to the Uttar Pradesh Board officials, the toppers answer sheet will be re-evaluated by experts. This step is been taken to avoid mistakes which can go unnoticed. And it will also save the board from any embarrassment after the copies are made public if happens. As many universities are facing some sort of embarrassment in result publication. So, therefore, Up Board don't want any mishap to be done to their reputation.
The official said that the deputy chief minister had directed the board to upload the copies within a week. Therefore the officials have decided to complete the task by May 7, as quoted in TOI.
Secretary of UP Board, Neena Srivastava, said that the process of publishing the answer sheets on the website has started and will be completed shortly. The answer sheets of the toppers are scheduled to be sent to the UP Board office by regional officers. After this, the copies will be scanned and uploaded to the website.