Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced a significant initiative aimed at promoting self-employment among the state's youth. The newly launched program, called 'Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyam Vikas Abhiyan,' aims to connect educated and trained young individuals with self-employment opportunities over the next decade. The initiative targets to engage 10 lakh youths in self-employment by 2034. This announcement came during a high-level meeting where the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of this campaign in addressing unemployment and fostering entrepreneurship among the youth.
The 'Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyam Vikas Abhiyan' will involve providing financial support to one lakh youths annually, enabling them to establish one lakh micro enterprises each year. This support will come in the form of grants and loans from banks, with the goal of creating a substantial number of self-employment opportunities over the next 10 years. The Chief Minister highlighted the scheme's role in boosting self-employment efforts and improving economic conditions for the youth.
Additionally, CM Adityanath instructed that the scheme should include provisions to support women from other backward classes, Divyangjan (persons with disabilities), and individuals from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This inclusive approach is intended to ensure that marginalized groups also benefit from the campaign, helping to foster a diverse and equitable entrepreneurial environment.
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