US commission says China ‘planned’ Galwan Valley clash
US commission says China ‘planned’ Galwan Valley clash

The US commission recently has concluded in a new report to Congress that the Chinese government had planned the clash with Indian troops in Galwan Valley which resulted in the death of 20 Indian soldiers in June and unspecified Chinese casualties.

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, in the report submitted on December 1, explained the nearly eight-month-long India-China standoff along the Line of Actual Control as the “most severe border crisis in decades”. Referring to the “massive physical brawl in the Galwan Valley” between the People’s Liberation Army and Indian troops on June 15. The reports said, “Some evidence suggested the Chinese government had planned the incident, potentially including the possibility for fatalities. For instance, several weeks prior to the clash, Defense Minister Wei made his statement encouraging Beijing to ‘use fighting to promote stability’.” The India-China border standoff emerged in the open after two clashes between troops of the two sides in the Sikkim and Ladakh sectors of the LAC. 

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created by the US Congress in 2000 with the mandate of monitoring and submitting an annual report on national security implications of trade and economic ties between Washington and Beijing. The latest report focused widely on China’s assertive actions against Taiwan and Hong Kong, its strategic aims in Africa, and the border standoff with India.  The report also referred to the imposition of draconian national security law in Hong Kong this year and noted that China and India had engaged in “multiple physical clashes” along the LAC for decades, but since President Xi Jinping assumed power in 2012 the “two countries have seen five major altercations along their border”.

In the aftermath of the June 15 clash, China “asserted sovereignty over the entire Galwan Valley, a new claim and significant change to the territorial status quo”, the report added.

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