Use lemon juice to remove the stretch marks
Use lemon juice to remove the stretch marks

Often, after delivery, the Stretch Marks come on the womb of women, which seems very bad to see. Occasionally due to obesity, there is a problem of stretch marks on the skin. Women can not wear clothes of their choice after coming out of the stretch marks on the skin.

But today we are going to tell you some easy ways of using which all the stretch marks on your skin will disappear.

1- Drinking water is very beneficial for our health. But do you know that by drinking plenty of water, stretch marks start disappearing in a few days.

2- To get rid of the stretch marks, cut the aloe vera leaf from the middle and take out its gel. Now add some milk in it and put it on your stretch marks. Doing this will remove your stretch marks in a few days.

3- Using lemon juice, you can also get rid of the problem of stretch marks. To use it, take out lemon juice and apply it on your stretch marks and leave it for half an hour, then wash it with cold water; doing this, the stretch marks start falling lightly.

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