USe natural scrub sugar to get rid of skin problems
USe natural scrub sugar to get rid of skin problems

The taste of sugar is very sweet, but do you know how to make sweetness in the sugar meal, along with helping to make the skin beautiful and immaculate. Using sugar, the problems of the dead skin, blood circulation, closed pores and stains are removed. It works as a natural scrub. By using it you get rid of the problem of wrinkles. 

1- If you want to make your skin glowing, grind the sugar lightly and apply it on your face. Now scrub it for 3 to 4 minutes with light hands. Wash your face with clean water later. By doing this daily, your skin will be clean and glowing. 

2- To remove the problem of wrinkles, boil the green tea well. Now put sugar in it and put it on your face. Scrub your face with light hands for 10:15 minutes. The abundance of antioxidants and amino acids is found in green tea and sugar. Which helps in making the skin healthy and relieves the problem of wrinkles. 

3- To remove the problem of stains, add one spoon of sugar in the almond oil and put it on the face. Scrub your skin with light hands for 15 minutes. Later wash with cold water. Applying this scrub, rich in vitamin C, remove stains and other problems related to skin pimples.

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