Virtual reality: Online dating is not a good option
Virtual reality: Online dating is not a good option



Downloading online dating apps and filling them with personal information without being aware of its purpose could prove to be risky for young girls and guys. The information can be used to sexually harass and extort money from unscrupulous persons who frequent internet sites and social media platforms. 

The incident of a youngster who faked his financial background and started ‘virtual dating’ a girl he met on a dating app and ended up getting kidnapped and eventually killed in a northern state of India earlier this month is an example of why one should always be cautious, said Hyderabad police commissioner Anjani Kumar. Many victims are from rural areas of the city, and a sizeable number of them are minors.

This year in April, a Hyderabadi man was duped by a woman he met online, who claimed to be from Singapore. Narrating the incident, he said, I received a friend request from a girl from Singapore with the name Cristine Lea Wetpacks. After accepting it, she told me that she is working in a dental clinic and is interested in making new friends.

Nothing is a secret in the internet era and one should be beware of strangers and never post personal pictures and videos and repent later, cautions the Cyber Crimes police.

A cyber police officer said that they are trapping the gullible in the name of job frauds, lottery frauds, matrimonial frauds, and gifts frauds. Fake officials make phishing calls posing as customs officials. Now, people are using social media friendships and online dating for the purpose of extorting money.

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