Vital medications vanish from Pakistani markets
Vital medications vanish from Pakistani markets

ISLAMABAD: Several essential medications, including those used to prevent suicide, are in limited supply in Pakistani markets due to rising production costs, raising concerns about the country's rising suicide rate, according to local media.

A renowned psychiatrist and former president of the Pakistan Psychiatric Society (PPS) said in reference to the formulation known as the most effective medication for the treatment of several psychiatric illnesses, including bipolar disorder, "None of the brands selling lithium carbonate are available in the market for the last couple of months."

Other essential medications, such as clonazepam drops and tablets for treating epilepsy in children and adults, and methylphenidate for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, are also unavailable on the market, according to doctors and pharmacists.

Other psychiatrists at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Shifa International Hospital Islamabad, Mayo Hospital Lahore, and psychiatrists in Peshawar concurred that although relatives of bipolar disorder patients were reportedly scurrying from pillar to post in search of lithium carbonate, none of its brands were readily available on the market, according to the News.

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