The key to a better memory could be right under your nose. The smell of “rosemary” boosts our ability to recall past events and remember what to do in the future. It has been called the herb of remembrance from the Elizabethan Era to the Early Romantic Period.
Not only is rosemary a delicious addition to healthy cuisine, it supports our health in so many different and unique ways. Rosemary can enhance one’s memory and this could be due to the eucalyptol found in the aroma of the herb. It is also used for aromatherapy. Rosemary oil enhances memory as its aroma contains terpenes, a primary component of essential oils. This enables the components of rosemary to enter the bloodstream then it travels to the brain and acts on memory systems.
There are several biologically active compounds within rosemary that give it a therapeutic potential. Antioxidants such as rosmarinic and carnosic acid protect living cells from radiation and carcinogens, also exhibit antimicrobial effects. carnosic acid which destroys the toxins which damage the brain. Also, it has natural compounds which provide protein to the brain, thus supporting its decision-making abilities.
Rosemary has been shown to stimulate the nervous system in the brain whilst increasing the flow of blood to the head, whilst it was also traditionally associated with strengthening the memory. Moreover, this potent herb also contains compounds that stop the degradation of acetylcholine, which is an important neurotransmitter that ensures communication between the cells and healthy memory.
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