Indian cricket skipper and the run machine Virat Kohli’s statue unveiled at Madame Tussauds Delhi. NowThe iconic Kohli has joined cricketers Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar, and footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, who have also been figured in the popular sports category.
Earlier speaking about his inclusion in Madame Tussauds Delhi, Kohli stated: “It’s a great honour to be chosen as one of the figures at Madame Tussauds. All thanks to the Madame Tussauds team who were extremely patient during the sitting sessions and for giving me a lifetime memory.”
In March 2018 the team of Madame Tussauds expert artists flew in from London to meet Kohli for the sitting, where they took over 200 specific measurements and images to form a bona fide figure.
Worth mention here Madame Tussauds Delhi is an attraction which is well known for the portrayal of the famous names in the world of glamour, sports, history and politics under same roof. Madame Tussauds has been making wax statues for over 150 years and has magnetism towards its figures in cities like London, New York, Orlando, Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney.