Big announcement of Indian Olympic Association, "No decision on India to withdraw from Tokyo Games"
Big announcement of Indian Olympic Association,

The havoc of Corona growing on one side has increased so much. That there is only a view of Tawahi everywhere. The number of people who have died from this virus has exceeded 13000. The fear of this virus is spread among people. Doctors are still searching for treatment to fight this disease.

Japan PM's big statement, 'Olympics can be postponed'

According to reports, the debate broke out to postpone the Tokyo Olympics due to the coronavirus. Meanwhile, Canada refused to send its players. Seeing the danger of Corona, the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has said that we are aware of the decision of Canada. Australia has also raised questions.

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We have not made any decision about whether India should also get out of the Tokyo Olympics. IOC Secretary Rajiv Mehta said that right now we are closely monitoring the situation with the government. Today it will be discussed with the Sports Minister and Sports Secretary. It is known that Canada is the first country to withdraw from the Tokyo Olympics.

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